NEW - Crapper Cycle Lanes - THE SEQUEL
More misguided and misplaced marvels Crapper Cycle Lanes is a humorous guide to some of the worst cycle lanes in Britain. Councils around the land are investing your tax money to provide schemes to make cycling an easy and safe choice, as Britain grows in its awareness of its carbon footprint. Crapper Cycle Lanes exposes some of those schemes from the viewpoint of the people who pedal the roads. The practicality, difficulty and danger levels are rated, and a sentence is recommended for the offending council, ranging from a caution, through to an Asbo or for the worst cases, regime change. Order your copy online from:
Eye Books
If any campaign group wants to make a bulk order of 25 or more, then Warrington Cycle Campaign can arrange a discount. Email Rod King. with the quantity requested, organisation name, contact name, contact telephone. |