Letter to the Council regarding the junction of Old Liverpool Road and Penketh Road
PH Owens
Howard Claxton
RE: JUNCTION OF OLD LIVERPOOL ROAD AND PENKETH ROAD Dear Mr Claxton, I noticed recently that works are under way to provide pedestrian facilities at the junction between Old Liverpool Road and the A562 Penketh Road. This provides a good opportunity to improve conditions for cyclists riding through the junction. As you are no doubt aware, Old Liverpool Road forms part of the utility cycle network being developed through the Local Transport Plan. The main problem at this junction is that of westbound cyclists going straight ahead coming into conflict with motor vehicles turning left onto Penketh Road. There is a tendency for vehicles to turn at speed due to the shallow angle of the junction and often drivers attempt to overtake cyclists while performing this manoeuvre. It would help cyclists considerably if the lane markings on the approach to the junction were changed so that the left hand lane was designated a left-only filter lane and the right hand lane was marked for vehicles heading straight ahead or turning right. This would enable cyclists to approach the junction in a good road position, clear of the turning traffic. The vast majority of vehicles do turn left at this junction and there is hardly any traffic coming from the opposite direction so there is no problem of right turning vehicles holding up traffic. This arrangement could be further improved by providing a kerb build out at the point where car-parking is prohibited and the filter lane starts so that cyclists approaching the junction would be channelled into the straight ahead lane, rather than have to filter to the right. There is probably sufficient space to consider an advanced stop line for cyclists. However, if one were to be provided it is absolutely critical that the approach cycle lane should be located between the two general traffic lanes rather than to the left. A cycle lane on the left would exacerbate the problem described above. Could you please let me know what improvements are planned for cyclists at this junction? Yours sincerely
Pete Owens