Letter to the Council objecting to refuges on Insall Road
PH Owens
H Norris
RE: ESTABLISHMENT OF PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AND RAISED JUNCTION - INSALL ROAD Dear Mr Norris, I am writing to raise an objection on behalf or the Warrington Cycle Campaign to the proposed traffic calming features on Insall Road. Our objection is not to the puffin crossing or the raised junction themselves (which we support), but to the associated refuge islands. Centre islands, flanked by narrow traffic lanes, increase danger to cyclists as there is a tendency for drivers to race cyclists to the island or try to overtake within the limited lane width. While we do support the aim of reducing vehicle speeds we would like to see measures that enhance the safety of cyclists, rather than endanger them. Particular attention should be paid to the needs of cyclists at this location as Insall Road forms part of the utility cycle network being developed through the Local Transport Plan. As an alternative we suggest the following measures should be introduced:
We are also disappointed that the existing chicane feature by the Farmers Arms is to be retained as we have had a number of complaints from our members regarding this feature. It is common for drivers to attempt to overtake cyclists through the pinch point. This should be replaced by a much more cycle friendly design - such as a hump or a pinch point with on-road cycle by-passes such as has been recently installed on Cinnamon Lane. Could you please send us a copy of the cycle audit for the scheme. Yours sincerely
Pete Owens